Christmas is around the corner and we get ready to celebrate. Trees and stars, beautify the season. Cakes and cookies, make it delicious. Exchange of gifts, that’s icing on the cake. But Christmas isn’t just about all these. Its the remembrance of the day when God became man. Christmas signifies the birth of Jesus Christ, the hope for entire humanity. Christmas is the season when people are ready to listen to the story of Christ. This is the right time to share the Christmas story. But are we ready to share? God expects us to tell others about Him and His plan of salvation.

If you are ready to share the Gospel, you can do so this Christmas no matter where you are. Want to know how? We are publishing Christmas articles on our websites to reach the unreached and edify the saved. We invite you to visit our websites and share the relevant articles online. You can also subscribe to our feeds and newsletters to get instantly notified of our new articles and share them with your friends, relatives and colleagues. Would you reach at least 1 person this Christmas with the Gospel?


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