Often we come across people who are struggling with the feeling of guilt. They do not know the solution to this problem and look for so many ways to get out of this feeling. To reach these people with the message of hope, we have a launched a page on guilt. This page explains the problem of guilt and points to the root cause of guilt, sin. It further emphasizes that our good works can’t undo our sins and explains them that God alone provides the right solution to this problem of sin. It then directs them to our Gospel presentation page where they will be presented with the Good News and invited to make the decision of accepting Jesus Christ as their personal Savior.

You can find this page @ whydoilive.com/guilt/. Please feel free to share this page as it could help someone in need. Please do pray for the people who are struggling with guilt that they should receive Jesus Christ in their lives and overcome guilt.

Categories: Blog


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